Lee Valley Extreme Kayak Platform

London, UK

Expedition was commissioned to design the kayak launch platform for the Lee Valley White Water Centre, supporting the new Olympic sport of kayak cross and preparing the venue to host the World Kayak Slalom Championships.

We were tasked with designing a new permanent platform at the whitewater course in north-east London. This platform, the first of its kind globally, was crucial to maintain the UK’s leadership in water sports and adapt the venue for both professional athletes and local communities.

The 4m by 6.5m-steel structure, elevated 4m above the water course, had to withstand dynamic forces from the kayakers who are launched into the water to start their race. Additionally, the platform had to accommodate the unique ‘tidal’ conditions of the tank, which is emptied and refilled daily. We carefully selected materials and coatings to withstand the exposure cycles and designed the structure to manage hydraulic forces from the fast-moving water.

A particular challenge was the platform’s location above a two-storey underground concrete building. Our team assessed the building’s capacity and strengthened its columns to support the new platform.

With a tight timeline, we began design work in March 2023 and the platform was successfully completed for the World Kayak Slalom Championship just six months later.

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