Civil Engineering & Utilities Infrastructure

Successful, sustainable and resilient developments rest on intelligent infrastructure design and effective relationships with key stakeholders. We are an experienced team of Civil Engineers valued for our ability to take creative, integrated and cost-effective approaches to infrastructure design and meeting wider sustainability ambitions.

We engineer the design of infrastructure to enable new development and retrofit of existing places. We have the ability and experience to deal with complex sites with significant constraints and at scales from individual buildings to masterplans of 10,000 homes. We work across the UK and internationally.

We are known for our ability to think our way through complex and multi-facetted problems and communicating critical technical issues in a clear way. This helps us establish strong and trusted relationships with key stakeholders, often critical to gaining planning support and unlocking the potential of a site.

Whole life and integrated approach

Our design approach is whole life and integrated. It considers embodied and operational costs, carbon emissions and value created. We enjoy the delicate balancing act of integrated and lean design with multiple benefits. Sensitivity to the wider drivers of a project is a key part of our approach, whether these drivers are related to architecture, place making, ecology, climate resilience or social value.

Tailored and innovative approach

We take a flexible and tailored approach to each project. That means taking the time to understand the specific constraints and opportunities of a site as well as the aspirations for the project. We bring creative solutions to resolve complex design challenges and are attuned to new products and technology in the industry. We use the best tools at hand — and if the tool doesn’t exist, we invent it.


Water Sensitive Design

We develop water-sensitive design and sustainable drainage strategies, integrated with landscape, place making and biodiversity and aiming to achieve multiple benefits. We also bring expertise in water efficiency and closing the water loop with harvesting of rainwater and water recycling. We take a specific approach to each site and its water resource context, balancing minimising of the water footprint with whole life cost and carbon considerations.


Flood Risk Management & Riverside Development

We are experienced in understanding flood risk and its complex mechanism on riverside or coastal sites. We develop flood defence design that achieve the requirements of the key technical stakeholders in terms of robustness, long term maintenance and resilience, considering also whole life cost and carbon. Our flood defence strategies are integrated with landscape proposals, amenity drivers of riverside development and enhancements of river or coastal ecology. 


Earthworks & Complex Topographies

We undertake high level and detailed earthworks studies to support the development of a masterplan, responding to complex site topographies. This aims at minimising earthworks and associated costs and embodied impacts and is sensitive to the landscape character and potential visual impacts. We use a range of advanced 3D parametric tools to rapidly explore a range of options and optimise the design.

Utility Strategies

We are experienced in integrating utilities into the development of a masterplan, including coordination of utilities within different street typologies, capacity studies, diversions, build-over and more detailed 3D coordination on constrained sites during the delivery of a project



Key People

Key People